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Work on RasMol is the result of the efforts of many people throughout the structural biology community (see the long list of credits on the version you are using).
The primary center for support and coordination is at
Bernstein + Sons in Bellport, NY, USA This work was sponsored in part over many years by grants from the U. S. National Science Foundation, the U. S. Department of Energy, the U. S. NIH National Institute for General Medical Sciences and the International Union for Crystallography and by donations from members of the community of equipment, money, ideas and code. It is now a pro bono open source development effort of Bernstein + Sons.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed
in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the funding sources.


of RasMol


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Herbert J. Bernstein
Research Professor
Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Chemistry and Materials Science

How to Contact the ARCiB Project

Prof. Herbert J. Bernstein
Managing Partner, Bernstein + Sons
5 Brewster Lane
Bellport, NY 11713-2803


Copyright © 2002 - 2013 ARCiB Project. All rights reserved.
Updated 27 August 2017.

The open source work at Bernstein+Sons includes development and maintenance for the following projects. Contributions in the form of bug reports, code, comments, suggestions, access to computers, donations of access to hardware, software and money are all appreciated.

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