| Copying and Distribution |
Contents |
Installation Instructions |
| Changes |
Things To Do |
Introduction |
Source Code and Binaries |
| RasMol Manual |
Release README |
Installation Instructions
RasMol 2.7.1

Molecular Graphics Visualisation Tool
22 June 1999
Based on RasMol 2.6 by
Roger Sayle
Biomolecular Structures Group, Glaxo Wellcome Research & Development
Stevenage, Hertfordshire, UK
Version 2.6, August 1995, Version 2.6.4, December 1998
Copyright © Roger Sayle 1992-1999
and Based on Mods by Arne Mueller
Version 2.6x1, May 1998
Copyright © Arne Mueller 1998
Version 2.7.0, 2.7.1 Mods
Herbert J. Bernstein
Bernstein + Sons,
P.O. Box 177, Bellport, NY, USA,
2.7.0 March 1999, 2.7.1 June 1999
Copyright © Herbert J. Bernstein 1998-1999
The original RasMol manual was created by Roger Sayle. In July 1996,
Dr. Margaret Wong of the Chemistry Department, Swinburne University
of Technology, Australia, made extensive revisions to the RasMol 2.5
manual to accurately reflect the operation of RasMol 2.6. Eric Martz
of the University of Massachusetts made further revisions. In May
1997, William McClure of Carnegie Mellon University reorganized the
HTML version of the manual into multiple sections which could be
downloaded quickly and added use of frames. Portions of the 2.7.1
version of the RasMol manual were derived with permission from
William McClure's version using Roger Sayle's rasmol.doc for
version 2.6.4 as the primary source.
Documentation Last Updated 5 July 1999
Edited by Herbert J. Bernstein and Frances C. Bernstein
***** USE WITH CAUTION ******
This version is based on RasMol version 2.6_CIF.2, on RasMol version
2.6x1 and on RasMol version 2.6.4. Please read the file NOTICE for
important notices which apply to this package. If you are not going to
make changes to RasMol, you are not only permitted to freely make copies
and distribute them, you are encouraged to do so, provided you do the
- 1. Either include the complete documentation, especially the file
NOTICE, with what you distribute or
provide a clear indication where people can get a copy of the documentation; and
- 2. Please give credit where credit is due citing the version and
original authors properly; and
- 3. Please do not give anyone the impression that the original authors
are providing a warranty of any kind.
If you would like to use major pieces of RasMol in some other program, make
modifications to RasMol, or in some other way make what a lawyer would call
a "derived work", you are not only permitted to do so, you are encouraged
to do so. In addition to the things we discussed above, please do the
- 4. Please explain in your documentation how what you did differs from
this version of RasMol; and
- 5. Please make your modified source code available.
This version of RasMol is not in the public domain, but it is given
freely to the community in the hopes of advancing science. If you make
changes, please make them in a responsible manner, and please offer
us the opportunity to include those changes in future versions of RasMol.
This file explains how to transfer, compile and install RasMol v2.7.1
on your system. This version of the RasMol Molecular graphics package will
run on UNIX, VMS, Macintosh and Microsoft Windows.
Obtaining RasMol v2.7.1
This version of RasMol may be obtained by anonymous FTP either by
anonymous FTP at:
or on the web at:
To transfer by anonymous ftp, type "ftp
ftp.bernstein-plus-sons.com" on the command
line. Several seconds later you'll be prompted for a username. Use the
username "anonymous" and when asked for a password enter your e-mail
address. Once logged in, type the command "cd software/rasmol" to change
the directory to /software/rasmol and then type "binary" to avoid corrupting
the files during the transfer. For each file you wish to transfer, type
"get <filename>" and when you've finished type "quit". If these files
are subsequently transfered to other machines, please remember to
transfer them in BINARY mode. The file sizes should be identical before
and after the transfer.
NOTE: The Mac uses the "carriage return" character to signify the
end of a line, while UNIX machines use a "linefeed". If a file is
transfered between these two machines in "ASCII" mode all such
characters are exchanged, thereby corrupting the archive. Please
ensure that you type the FTP command "binary" before you transfer the
file, indicating that the file should be transfered without
To build/rebuild RasMol 2.7.1 on any platform, you'll need to transfer
the following file:
RasMol.tar.gz | UNIX 'tar'ed 'gzip'ped archive containing the
complete source code and documentation of the
RasMol molecular graphics package.
To unpack the file on a UNIX machine type the command "gunzip
RasMol.tar.gz" and then the command "tar -xvf
RasMol.tar" to extract the files in a subdirectory under the
current directory.
There are command-line and GUI-interface versions of tar and gzip for
the Macintosh and for Windows, so we have discontinued the former
practice of providing StuffIt or ZIP archives for those platforms.
However, note that MacIntosh-specific files are actually provided in gzipped
MacBinary form with a ".bin.gz" extension.
If you are in a hurry, the following pre-compiled binary files are available:
WARNING: ALL binaries and help files are gzipped!!!
For those who have difficulty downloading "gzipped" files,
uncompressed files are available:
You will need both an appropriate binary and a copy of rasmol.hlp for each
system, and, under Windows, a copy of raswin.hlp for the WinHelp sub-system.
On an SGI, rename the appropriate binary as rasmol and copy it to
/usr/local/bin/rasmol (or to some appropriate location specified
by the environment variable PATH) and copy rasmol.hlp to
/usr/local/lib/rasmol/rasmol.hlp (or to the location indicated by the
environment variable RASMOLPATH)
Installing RasMol v2.7.1
- In the src subdirectory:
Type the command "xmkmf" to generate a "Makefile" for your particular
system from the distributed Imakefile
Alternatively (or if the first method fails), copy the file Makefile.in
to Makefile, using the command "cp Makefile.in Makefile", then modify
the contents of the Makefile to determine your local C compiler,
compiler and linker options. The default set up is for an 8bit UNIX
workstation with the X11 shared memory extension, compiled using the
GNU C Compiler. Changing the line "CC=gcc" to "CC=cc" will use the
machines native compiler but will require changing "CFLAGS" for your
A common problem is that SUN OpenWindows keeps its include files in the
directory /usr/openwin/include/X11, hence the compiler directive
-I/usr/openwin/include must be added to CFLAGS.
A common problem on IBM RS6000s running AIX is that the MIT shared
memory extensions to X windows are in the library -lXextSam, hence
this must be added to the LIBS lines in either the Makefile or Imakefile.
- Modify the #defines in the file rasmol.h (see below)
Note: IBMPC should not be defined.
- Compile the program using the UNIX make utility. (i.e. type "make")
- Place the 'rasmol' executable on the execution PATH, i.e. /usr/local/bin
- Install rasmol.hlp as /usr/local/lib/rasmol/rasmol.hlp (or at a loctaion
indicated by the environment variable RASMOLPATH).
- If you have the UNIX utilities "uncompress" or "gunzip" ensure they are
on the user's default PATH.
- Set the environment variable RASMOLPDBPATH to the directory containing
the Broohaven PDB database, if one exits.
- Place any system wide initialisation parameters into the file "rasmolrc"
in the directory pointed to by RASMOLPATH.
- It is possible to set-up RASMOLPATH and RASMOLPDBPATH each time the
program is running by renaming rasmol to rasmol.exe, and using a script
similar to the one in "rasmol.sh" of the standard distribution.
- If appropriate place "rasmol.1" or "rasmol.0" in the appropriate place
for UNIX man pages, and optionally place "rasmol.html" somewhere in
your WWW hierarchy (if available at your site).
MS Windows:
- Copy the executable RASWIN.EXE and the help files RASMOL.HLP and RASWIN.HLP
to an appropriate directory. You may execute the program immediately by
double-clicking the icon of RASWIN.EXE.
- Under Windows/95 and similar systems, create a shortcut icon to RasWin
on the Desktop or in a folder. Select the RasWin icon then simultaneously
press ALT-ENTER (or right click on the icon and select "Properties" from
the menu). Select the "Shortcut" tab in the Properties dialog box.
- At the "Start In:" prompt, type in the path of the appropriate working
- Under Windows 3.1 and similar systems Install the program in MS Windows
using the New option of the Program Manager's File Menu. Set the
Description of the Program to "RasWin v2.7.1" and the Current Directory,
to the directory containing the files. Install the RasMol Help file using
the New option of the Program, Manager's File Menu. Set the Description to
"RasWin Manual", the command to "C:\WINDOWS\WINHELP RASWIN.HLP" and the
working directory to the appropriate directory.
Macintosh and PowerMac:
- Place both "RasMac_FAT" (or "RasMac_PPC" or
"RasMac_68k)" and "rasmol.hlp" in the same Macintosh folder
- There is a VMS-ready copy of rasmol.h in the "src/vms"
Modify the #defines in the file rasmol.h (see below)
Note: IBMPC, MITSHM and TERMIOS should not be defined.
- Copy all the files from the "src/vms" directory to the
source directory.
- Copy the file "rasmol.hlp" from the "doc" directory to the source
- If your VAX site has an MMS license type the command "MMS",
otherwise use the DCL build script by typing "@build.com"
- The program may be run by typing "RUN RASMOL.EXE", the X Windows
server is specified by a VMS command of the form:
- The symbol RASMOL should be defined to be the path of RASMOL.EXE using :==
- The file doc/rasmol.vms contains a ascii VMS help file that can
be compiled in to the VMS on-line help system.
Recompiling RasMol v2.7.1
For both Windows and Mac, this version has been built with MetroWerks
CodeWarrior, and the necessary projects are included in the src/mswin and
src/mac directories. The following more general instructions adapted from the
RasMol v2.6 release are provided for your information, but have _not_ been
tested against RasMol_2.7.1:
MS Windows v3.1:
- Use Makefile.pc instead of Makefile, by copying it to MAKEFILE.
- Modify the contents of the Makefile to determine your local C compiler,
compiler and linker options.
- Modify the #defines in the file rasmol.h (see below)
Note: EIGHTBIT and IBMPC should all be defined
APPLEMAC, DIALBOX, MITSHM and TERMIOS should not be defined.
- Compile the program using the Microsoft Optimizing C Compiler Version
7's (or Microsoft Visual C++'s) NMAKE program under MS-DOS.
MS Windows
- Using Microsoft Visual C++, create a new project adding all the
"*.c" source files except "rasmol.c", "x11win.c", "rasmac.c" and
"applemac.c". Add the Windows resource source file "raswin.rc".
or alternatively use Makefile.nt by copying it to MAKEFILE.
- Follow the instructions from [2] onwards as for MS Windows v3.1.
Apple Macintosh and PowerMac
- Create a project in either the Symmantec C/C++, Think C or Metrowerks
C compiler environments and add all the C source files ("*.c") to
the project. On 68k development systems all C files should be placed
in separate segments [however rasmac.c and applemac.c can share a
segment and abstree.c and command.c can share a segment].
- Add the "rasmac.rsrc" resource file to the project.
- For the Symantec/Think C environment add the "ANSI" or "ANSI-small"
library from "Standard Libraries" folder and the "MacTraps" library
from the "Mac Libraries" folder.
The choice of "ANSI" or "ANSI-small"
is dependent upon the size of integer by the compiler. See dialog
'Edit'->'Options'->'Think C..'->'Compiler Settings'. 2-byte integers
require "ANSI-small" and 4-byte integers require "ANSI".
- A project files has been provided for Metrowerks 68K, PPC and FAT versions.
- If that project file is not satisfactory, for the Metrowerks 68K Compiler
add the libraries "MacOS.lib" and
"ANSI (2i) C.68K.Lib" to the project. [Note: If compiling for 4byte
integer size and/or 68881 maths instructions select the approriate
ANSI C Library].
- For some Metrowerks 68K compiler releases the "C/C++ Language Settings"
"Enums Always Int" must be selected for proper execution.
- For the Metrowerks PPC Compiler add the libraries "MWCRuntime.Lib",
"InterfaceLib", "MathLib" and "ANSI C.PPC.Lib". This should work
fine for Metrowerks C++ v1.1. Apparently, Metrowerks C++ v1.2 also
requires "console.stubs.c". [Thanks to Graham Palmer]
- In Metrowerk's "Edit" "Preferences" "Project" or Symmantec's "Project"
"Set Project Type", set the project type to Application (Type 'APPL'),
Creator 'RSML', and the SIZE flags to include "is32bitCompatible",
"isHighLevelEventAware", "localAndRemoteHLEvents".
- Modify the #defines in the file "rasmol.h" (see below).
Note: APPLEMAC should all be defined
IBMPC, DIALBOX, MITSHM and TERMIOS should not be defined.
- Compile RasMol using the "Build Application..." Menu Item.
- To create a `fat' binary, use Apple's ResEdit to copy and paste the
CODE, DATA and XREF resources from the Metrowerks 68K executable
into the resource fork of the Metrowerks PPC executable.
- The Installed Application's name should be "RasMac v2.7.1"
The file rasmol.h contains a number of #define directives that control
the runtime behaviour of the program. The following directives may be
defined or undefined to suite the local site.
EIGHTBIT | This determines whether RasMol will display and produce
8bit, 16bit or 32(24) bit output. By default the symbol
EIGHTBIT is defined producing images with up to 256
colours. This symbol must be defined if IBMPC is defined.
DIALBOX | This enables the use of a dials box, that is connected
using the X Window System XInput extension. This option
requires that the program be compiled with the Xi and
Xext libraries. Note: libXi is called libXinput on some old
machines, so requires the compiler option -lXinput!
MITSHM | This option enables the use of the X Window System MIT shared
memory extension. This enables images to be displayed faster
when RasMol and the X11 server are running on the same host.
This option requires the program be compiled with the Xext
library. On IBM RS6000s runnning AIX, MITSHM also requires
the XextSam library (which requires changing the Makefile or
Imakefile). This is now enabled by default. This should be
disabled on E&S ESV workstations as MITSHM support is not
provided as standard.
TERMIOS | This directive enables the command line processing on UNIXs
that support the termios terminal handling routines. By
leaving this symbol undefined, RasMol omits the interactive
command line interface. Undefining is not recommended!
SOCKETS | This directive enables the TCP/IP server functionality of
RasMol to be enable. This enables other software to connect
to a running RasMol. This should be undefined on machines
not supporting BSD-style TCP/IP sockets (such as VMS).
APPLEMAC | This determines whether the program is to run on an Apple
Macintosh or PowerMac. By default, this option is disabled.
The Macintosh code may be compiled to be either EIGHTTBIT
or THIRTYTWOBIT and will generate images effectively.
IBMPC | This determines whether the program is intended to run on an IBM PC or compatible. By default, this
option is disabled.
MSWIN | This determines whether the program is intended to run on an
IBM PC or compatible under MS Windows. By default, this
option is disabled.
PROFILE | Defining PROFILE enables code to
profile RasMol execution.
To summarise;
A typical UNIX build:
/* #define IBMPC */
/* #define MSWIN */
/* #define APPLEMAC */
#define X11WIN
#define UNIX
/* #define DIALBOX */
#define SOCKETS
#define TERMIOS
#define PROFILE
#define MITSHM
A typical Windows build:
#define IBMPC
#define MSWIN
/* #define APPLEMAC */
/* #define X11WIN */
/* #define UNIX */
/* #define DIALBOX */
/* #define SOCKETS */
#define TERMIOS
#define PROFILE
#define MITSHM
A typical Macintosh build:
/* #define IBMPC */
/* #define MSWIN */
#define APPLEMAC
/* #define X11WIN */
/* #define UNIX */
/* #define DIALBOX */
#define SOCKETS
#define TERMIOS
#define PROFILE
#define MITSHM
A typical VMS build:
/* #define IBMPC */
/* #define MSWIN */
/* #define APPLEMAC */
/* #define X11WIN */
/* #define UNIX */
/* #define DIALBOX */
/* #define SOCKETS */
/* #define TERMIOS */
/* #define PROFILE */
/* #define MITSHM */
Any comments, suggestions or questions about this
modified version should be directed to Herbert J. Bernstein at
| Copying and Distribution |
Contents |
Installation Instructions |
| Changes |
Things To Do |
Introduction |
Source Code and Binaries |
| RasMol Manual |
Release README |
Updated 24 September 1999.
Herbert J. Bernstein
Bernstein + Sons, 5 Brewster Lane, Bellport, NY 11713-2803, USA